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HOPE Foundation of Arizona provides children who have been adopted through foster care with the support, encouragement, and motivation they need to become their own unique self, giving them hope for their future and confidence to pursue their dreams. Many children adopted through foster care lose their sense of identify and purpose in life. They feel lost, empty, confused and hopeless. As a result they lose direction for their lives and some never have the opportunity to achieve their dreams and goals because they do not know how to embrace their uniqueness.


HOPE simply them hope. It allows them to know that there are others who are in their same situation and helps them see that there is life after adoption. There is hope. It helps heal the brokenness and loss experienced by adoption from foster care, and encourages and motivates them to dream big and to reach for the stars. Although they have no control over their past, they can control their future by discovering their purpose, pursuing their passion, and achieving their dreams!

HOPE Foundation of Arizona

"Finding your Purpose...Living your Dreams!"

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