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CAMP HOPE is a summer recreational program designed to provide a summer filled with exciting adventures, enjoyable games, fun activities, and opportunities to meet new friends. Weekly activities include arts and crafts, games and activities, projects, outings and movies. Each summer a week long retreat is planned where children are able to learn about nature, as well as go hiking, camping and fishing.



Our Vision

CAMP HOPE strives to provide every adopted child with an enjoyable and memorable summer experience. Our vision is to help every child see the blessing of being adopted and learn to embrace their uniqueness, discover their purpose, pursue their passion, and achieve their dreams.



Our Mission

CAMP HOPE serves families who have adopted children through foster care and is dedicated to helping foster and promote a sense of self-love, self-worth, self-respect, and self-esteem in the lives of every child and youth adopted through foster care. We strive to provide a fun-filled camp, full of exciting adventures, enjoyable games and fun activities, for a memorable summer experience and a lifetime of memories.


Who We Serve

CAMP HOPE is for children and youth grades K-8 adopted through foster care, and their siblings. Siblings are the birth, biological, and adopted siblings living in the same home.




Why We Do It

Children adopted through foster care experience the trauma and grief associated with being removed from, or losing a parent or guardian. However, once adopted there are not many programs or services which support families after adoption. Children need to know that they are not alone and that there are other children who have been adopted and are experiencing some of the same situations, or feeling some of the same emotions that others are also experiencing.


Our Goals

  • Develop lifelong friendships

  • Embrace the uniqueness of being adopted

  • Encourage and promote positive attitudes

  • Build character and inspire confidence

  • Promote high morals and positive values

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